All donations, which arrive in International Archive ISKKON (further Archive), are used exclusively on purchase new (if it is necessary - repair or updating old) the equipment and as on software purchase. Any of employees of Archive does not receive from donations the salary or for personal needs. Each employee of Archive has work for maintenance of the needs and needs of the family and as spends a part of the salary and free from work time, for prime needs of Archive. Everyone who accepts active or regular participation in the financial help of Archive, becomes "the spiritual trustee of Archive" on what to him it is informed individually, and the report on, when and where his donations have been spent has the right to demand. As you can do target donations which are required regularly (payment online TV Internet, miniDV videocassettes for shooting of festivals, HDD for storage and processing of video and audio). If you have possibility and desire to offer the equipment or account materials, or can buy more cheaply and thus quality is not worse, preliminary inform on it to us. Our contacts in section "Contacts" or write in section "Feedback".
And so, we invite to cooperation of all interested persons. Some ways of transfer of donations are more low resulted. If you use other payment systems and wish to endow regularly, inform us and we will make registration in your system. As, if you do not use virtual money then by your inquiry we can give currency bank requisites (USD, EUR) for transfers from any country of the world.
The donations through SMS
The donations through WM
The donations through PayPal
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